Sunday, April 27, 2014

Week 16

I had a win this week. I picked my boys up from daycare, came home, grabbed their kites and went to the park. I was able to run around and play with them and I did not get tired or winded! We had some minor success in getting the kites up in the air. I wasn't windy enough and the wind we did have was not consistent. We did end up with a broken kite thought as the wooden dowel in one got snapped by a child who ran with the kite and didn't let go. :) I love that I am already meeting one of my motivators of being able to really play with my boys!

I can definitely say that I am past my plateau as I had more changes this week. I am excited to be able to see the differences. Another win? I went to the store to try to find some new pants as my pants are quite balloony. Well, I found a new pair of pants and they are size 18! My sister is doing the same eating plan as I am and has always worn a smaller size in pants than I do. She has told me for weeks that she would bring over some of her jeans for me to use as she grew out of them. Well, she brought me some size 20 jeans this week also. Yea, they are way to big! They don't look as baggy in the bum area, but they don't stay up on my waist at all. I was excited! This means that I am probably the same size as her, which I cannot remember when that ever happened. It made me happy. :)

Weight: 226
Chest: 42 1/2"
Waist: 42"
Hips: 49 1/2"
Thigh: 25 1/2"
Calf: 17 1/2"
Bicep: 15"
Forearm: 11"

Total Weight lost this week: 3 pounds
Total inches lost this week: 2 1/2"
Total weight lost total: 39 pounds
Total inches lost total: 22 1/2"

In 6 more pounds, I will be the lowest weight my husband has ever seen me. I cannot wait for that to happen. :) I am actually excited for it and even more excited for him to see me at a more healthy, even lower weight!

Week 15

I made it over the plateau! I only went down 1 pound but I went down 2"! I was excited! I had rededicated myself to try to be VERY good on my plan. I worked hard at the gym and was really good at eating on my plan. It was a success! I hadn't been bad before, but I rededicated myself and reminded myself of my motivators, which are:

1 - I want to be able to play with my 2 little boys. I want to be able to run with them, keep up with them.
2 - Because I was older when I had them, I will be in my late 40s when they graduate. I want to to be here as they get married and have children of their own. I want to be able to be healthy enough that I can play with my grandchildren. This is funny saying this as my boys are currently 4 and 1, but this is something that I think about.
3 - I have always been the "fat" sister. Looking back, I was so NOT fat when I was younger, but because I was taller and bigger than my sisters, I felt like the fat one. When I was working out at the gym with a trainer, one of my sisters told me, "If you ever get skinnier than me, I will kill myself." Since then, I have had the desire to be the skinny sister for once. Not so that my sister would "kill" herself, but so I can be "so there!"
4 - This is a vain motivator, but it is there. All the cute clothes are too small for me. I want to be able to buy cute clothes. I want to be able to shop in the "normal" section of a clothing store.

Weight: 229
(By the way, the total weight lost is 36 pounds!)

Chest: 42 1/2"
Waist: 42 1/2" (down 1/2")
Hips: 50 1/2" (down 1/2")
Thigh: 26" (down 1/2")
Calf: 17 1/2"
Bicep: 15"
Forearm: 11 1/2" (down 1/2")

I love seeing progress! Yea, no pictures yet. I need to get my act together, but I am not promising anything until the beginning of May. :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Week 12, 13, and 14

I have been horrible at keeping up my progress reports online. There is no excuse that can answer to that, I just got busy and it got shoved to the bottom of my priority list. In week 12 a stomach bug went through my family. It was a miserable week and one day, I lost 4 pounds. Of course it was all water weight and when I started eating and drinking normally again, I was right back where I should be. Week 13 just went by super fast and before I knew it, it was time to be updating with week 14 numbers as well. Well, with no further ado, here are the numbers.

Week 12
Weight 230 pounds
Chest 42 1/2"
Waist 43"
Hips 51"
Thigh 26 1/2"
Calf 17 1/2"
Bicep 15" (down 1/2")
Forearm 11 1/2"

Week 13
Weight 230 pounds
Chest 42 1/2"
Waist 43"
Hips 51"
Thigh 26 1/2"
Calf 17 1/2"
Bicep 15"
Forearm 11 1/2"

Week 14
Weight 230 pounds
Chest 42 1/2"
Waist 43"
Hips 51"
Thigh 26 1/2"
Calf 17 1/2"
Bicep 15"
Forearm 11 1/2"

So it is obvious that I have hit a slight plateau. I am trying really hard to not let this discourage me. I have tried adding a few more calories into what I am eating on a daily basis and have tried adding an extra indulgence meal each week so that my body isn't getting too few calories. I have also rededicated myself to what I want to accomplish. It helped today when I looked back at what I have done so far this year. After week 14 I had lost a total of 35 pounds and 18"! This is a HUGE deal and if I haven't really seen any changes for 3 weeks, I need to be ok with that and just change up how I am doing things. I need to realize that I am still averaging 2.5 pounds lost per week, which fits in with my goal of losing 100 pounds in a year. I am still seeing progress. I still have energy. I can run and play with my boys. Best of all? I can do the million squats that weeding and gardening requires. {grin}

I was supposed to have pictures to include with week 13, but I have not yet taken them. I need to get up on that! Coach Kristy says that even if you are not seeing any changes in measurements and on the scale, you should still take a picture every week because that is where you will see the changes. Let me get on that!