Thursday, October 2, 2014


So, I promised to update this blog with the good and bad of my journey. I have been in a long slump of bad. Things in my life got crazy. And with the crazy, I lost my focus and determination. I still got up and went to the gym in the mornings, but found myself making it only 2-3 times a week instead of 4-5. My eating went to pot, I wasn't saying no to anything "good" and eating whatever. Trust me, my body reacted to the "bad" I was putting in my body while I was telling myself that it was "good." It is a testament to myself that we, as a society, are making ourselves sick with what we are choosing to eat. Processed = not natural and, while I don't know about you, my body does not handle this very well. It became more apparent than ever to me during this slump when I was putting more processed crap into my body.

As a result of all of this, I kept expecting to start gaining all my weight back, but didn't. I stayed pretty consistent. I have gone up and down with 3 pounds. The lowest I have been is 215 and the highest in this period is 220. More consistently, I am around 217-218. This morning, I got on the scale for the first time in awhile and it said I was at 218. For completely losing my focus that is not too bad. That means that I still have learned something in this journey, even if my food choices lately have not been stellar.

In this time-frame, my work highlighted me on the progress that I have made. I thought the highlight was for a smaller subset of people but it ended up being company wide. While it is cool, it was a little unnerving to have people walk up to me that didn't really know about my journey and congratulate me. Especially in a period when I was really struggling! I have to be honest that I felt guilty whenever I gave in and ate a treat, wondering what people would think when they saw me eating it. Come on! This is real life, I shouldn't feel guilty!

I was so strict with my food at the beginning of my journey. I did learn a lot. I learned about portion sizes and pairings that are the best. However, life is real and it became a struggle to maintain that level of strictness all the time, especially since I have 3 other people in my home that I am feeding.

Well, I rededicated myself. There is a quote by Winston Churchill that I have been thinking A TON about lately. It is, "Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about." I may have been in a slump, but I never, not once, stopped thinking about my journey to be more healthy. Yes, being more healthy means that I will lose weight, and while it is one of my motivations to be able to buy cute, real, inexpensive clothing, that is not the end all. This is about me being healthy. This is about me being here for my boys. Being here for when my boys grow up and get married and have children of their own! I want to be around for a long time and not have my life cut short because of my poor choices.

The above quote has been instrumental in helping me rededicate my efforts. Today is Thursday, and I have been to the gym every single day this week. That is right. Every. Single. Day. It hasn't been easy getting back into the groove of waking up early every single day. But I do it. Every day this week I have lifted weights and done a HIIT treadmill workout that I got from Livy Loves to Run. If you have not heard of her, check her out. She is from Springville, UT, so local to me. She inspires me. She started last spring walking with her kids and has lost 100 pounds! She has done it all on her own.

On Tuesday, I had some co-workers tell me that I had lost more weight. I chuckled and told them that I weighed the same now that I have for quite awhile now. I haven't measured myself so I don't know what my measurements are and I haven't taken a picture since the last challenge with Body Buddies that I participated in finished. I told them thank you, but that I was actually in a slump that I was working on getting out of. It is hard work! I am hoping that I am on the upward climb of this slump. I am focusing more on what I am eating and how much I am eating. I have never counted calories on my journey but have been thinking more about utilizing the My Fitness Pal app.

Life is hard. It sometimes gets in the way of the goals we set. It is up to us to not lose sight of those goals, even when it gets harder in the process of achieving them. That is what I am doing right now. I am refocusing on the goals that I have set for myself. I can do it. I am strong.

By the way, for the month of October, I have accepted a challenge to not have any candy from October 1st to Halloween. Funny, that the day that I decide to accept this challenge, the Toblorone Chocolate bar that has been sitting on my cupboard since December started calling my name. I vowed to remain candy free though, so it will have to just waste its voice. I will not listen to it.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Week 28

My indulgences are getting a little out of control. I need to reign them in. I feel like I am sabotaging my efforts, but still seeing success. I feel like if I didn't give in to so many indulgences, I would see even better results. Gah, frustrating.

On the positive side though, I had some amazing workouts this past week! I had a killer leg day where I felt shaky when I was finished and then my legs let me know they were there the next day. I try to push myself every time I work out.

I found my anatomy book. Well, really, it is a book that breaks down muscle groups and gives exercises to do to target specific muscles. I need to spend some time developing some routines so that I can change up my workouts. This will only help my body be stronger.

I had a success. My mother-in-law gave me some cloths out of her closet that no longer work for her. I have been wearing them, but there was one cute, red blouse that felt just a little too tight. I pulled it out Saturday to put it on and guess what? It wasn't tight! I decided not to wear it on Saturday, but ironed it up to wear on Sunday. Man, that felt good. I love these celebration moments!

I also realized that, even though I have been stuck at 219 for a few weeks, that is the lowest Mike has ever seen me weigh. When I pointed that out to him, he looked at me and said, yea, that has been for awhile. Even though I weighed 220 a few years before, I didn't weight 220 working out. I weighed 220 through eating alone and some walking. My 219 that I weigh now is through really working out at the gym, building muscle. I have been striving for that number on the scale while my sweet husband reminded me that I have been the smallest he has ever seen me for a while now. I love that he sees me as beautiful, no matter how I am.

Weight: 219
Chest: 41"
Waist: 41"
Hips: 48"
Thigh: 25"
Calf: 17"
Bicep: 14 1/2"
Forearm: 11"

Monday, July 14, 2014

Week 27

This was my birthday week. I may have eaten 3 donuts on my birthday. Uggg...but, my eating the rest of the week was really good and my exercise was good. On Saturday, I went with my family to Red Robin. It has been a long time since I have eaten food like that, and guess what? It made me sick. I didn't even want to eat the rest of the day. I just felt blah. So, count that as a success! I have spent so much time working on putting healthy, nutritious food into my body that when I give it something that isn't up to par, it makes me sick. That will make it easier to avoid that type of food more often, right?

Because I felt blah all day after lunch, I didn't eat dinner. This is not the smartest choice. My body needed the fuel, but I just couldn't bring myself to eat. Then, at 10:20 PM, I ran to Wal-Mart to get diapers. I know, why do it in the middle of the day when you are out running all your other errands, right? Nah, I like to make things hard for myself. I had also needed some greek yogurt because I thought I had more of it in my fridge than I really did. Oops, my bad. Well, while I was wandering around Wal-Mart, trying on clothes (I fit into an XL top, can't tell you the last time that happened!) I decided I was finally hungry. I got the diapers and then wandered up and down the frozen food aisle. I kept thinking, "I am hungry. This is fast. It is late. It will be ok." Nothing looked good. Nothing. Anything that normally would have tempted me fell flat. I ended up going home and eating a string cheese (fat,) a greek yogurt (protein) and some edamame (vegetable.) It was good, and much more healthy than anything else that I would have eaten. Baby steps.

Weight: 219
Chest: 41"
Waist: 41"
Hips: 48 1/2"
Thigh: 25"
Calf: 17"
Bicep: 14 1/2"
Forearm: 11"

My measurements stayed the same as last week, but I am still going strong!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Week 26

It has been quite a few weeks since I last updated. Things got really busy and I had some good weeks and some bad weeks. While I didn't update the blog with my progress, I did still take my weight and measurements every week, except one. The week of my brother's wedding was just crazy and I didn't weigh or measure. Well, if I did, I didn't write it down.

I have been horrible at going to bed by 9:30 PM. I guess I am lucky to get in bed by 10:30 PM. It is my style to get things done after my boys are in bed, and well, they are just not going to bed early enough and then I try to rush to get things done to still get in bed. One week, I only made it to the gym twice in the morning. And one of those times, I was so tired when I got there, I just did cardio. But, I was there. The week of the fourth wasn't much better either. I slept through my alarm on Thursday and then Friday, the fourth, was just too crazy. I got my boys up early and we went and enjoyed some parade action.

My eating plan has been mostly good, with more indulgences than needed. I am having a harder time saying no to sugar. Especially donuts. I have had too many of those lately. Ah, donuts would be one of my major downfalls. While one part of me says I need to be stronger, the other part of me says it is ok every once in awhile.

My progress has slowed way down with the weight and measurements, but when I compare pictures, my body is still changing. My waist line is definately slimming down. My sister got tired of my pants always falling down and she bought me a belt. I have been putting it on the 2nd notch in and today, without even thinking about it, I put it on the 3rd notch in. It is the little victories that make this worth it.

Weight: 219 (this is 46 pounds down from the start of my journey!)
Chest: 41" (this is 4 1/2" down from the start!)
Waist: 41" (6" down from the start!)
Hips: 48 1/2" (8" down from the start!)
Thigh: 25" (3" down from the start!)
Calf: 17" (2" down from the start!)
Bicep: 14 1/2" (2 1/2" down from the start!)
Forearm: 11" (1" down from the start!)

Did you get that? P.R.O.G.R.E.S.S. A total of  27" from when I started this journey the beginning of January. I should note that I only measure my right side. Part of me wishes I had measured the left also. Another part of me wishes that I had also included my neck measurement. I am the shrinking woman! I just want to note that this has been a TON of hard work. But it has been so worth it.

Front picture is from July 6, 2014

Side picture from July 6, 2014

Back picture from July 6, 2014

Comparison: Back Left from May 4, 2014 Right July 6, 2014 

Comparison: Front Left May 4, 2014 Right July 6, 2014

Comparison: Side Left May 4, 2014 Right July 6, 2014

Comparison: Front Left January 6, 2014 Right July 6, 2014

Comparison: Back Left January 6, 2014 Right July 6, 2014

Comparison: Side Left February 2, 2014 (I wish I had one from the start) Right July 6, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

Week 20

Wow, I started off the week doing really good and then ended the week not feeling so hot about how I did. It started off with a dutch oven potluck that my work did on Wednesday. I planned on counting it as an indulgence meal, and I tried to do so good, but ended up over-eating. The kicker? I used to be able to pound that amount of food before, noting to it. Oh, it made me feel so sick now! I tried to stay good and even filled up half my plate with a salad - no dressing - but still ate too much. And then, I had to just have some of the cobblers. It kind of went along the same lines the rest of the week.

On Saturday my sister told me that I was looking good and that I needed to invest in new cloths. My shorts are so baggy and falling off me! I just don't want to go spend a lot of money on cloths right now. I would rather save my money for when I get to where I want to be. I know I will need cloths before that, but I will make them work for me for as long as they can.

Weight 224
Chest 42 1/2"
Waist 41"
Hips 49"
Thigh 25 1/2"
Calf 17"
Bicep 15"
Forearm 11"

Week 19

This was a really good week! I felt strong and committed. I stayed strong on going to the gym every morning and am feeling more awake. I thought getting up at 4:40 AM would be draining, but as long as I keep my bedtime consistent, I find that I am actually getting more sleep than when I was going to the gym at night. Plus, I don't have to fight for weights or equipment. There are way fewer people there at 5 AM than at 9 PM.

Weight 223
Chest 42 1/2"
Waist 41"
Hips 49"
Thigh 25 1/2"
Calf 17"
Bicep 15'
Forearm 11"

Week 18

I decided to make the switch to going to the gym in the morning. I thought it would be so much harder, and you know what? I am loving it! I have to be disciplined and go to bed by 9:30 PM to wake up by 4:40 AM, but my night time routine has gotten so much easier and less stressful. I am able to enjoy putting my boys to bed instead of rushing them through their routine just so I can run out the door to go to the gym.

I discovered that it really kicked my metabolism into gear. I was starving all week long! I ate what I normally ate and then tried to be good in between. I ended up upping my portions a little so that I could last 2 1/2 hours without feeling like I wasn't eating anything at all.

Weight 225 pounds (40 pounds lost overall!)

Chest 42 1/2"
Waist 41 1/2"
Hips 49 1/2"
Thigh 25 1/2"
Calf 17"
Forearm 11"

Total inches lost overall 23 1/2" - this makes me happy!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 17

I thought I was doing so good this week, so I was a little disappointed when my numbers came through. My measurements didn't change at all, but my weight went up 4 pounds! What is most disappointing is that was in one day. I had weighed myself Saturday morning and I was at 226, which is the same as last week, because I had expected to need to submit my end of challenge information on Saturday. However, because my measurements didn't change, I am trying to take it into stride and think it may just be water weight.

Weight: 230
Chest: 42 1/2"
Waist: 42"
Hips: 49 1/2"
Thigh: 25 1/2"
Calf: 17 1/2"
Bicep: 15"
Forearm: 11"
Yesterday was so incredibly difficult for me. I woke up and I was exhausted. I had spent all day on Saturday working out in our garden, in the sun. I think it just exhausted me overall. I got up, got my boys and I ready for church and went to church. I told my husband that I wanted nothing more than to take a nap after church, but I knew that wasn't' going to happen.

We had a Ward activity yesterday where we had a neighborhood Cookie Walk. I had volunteered to make cookies. I didn't' get them made on Saturday because of all the work I did outside on Saturday so I had to make them after church. It was also our turn to take dinner to grandpa, so I had to get that done. I also wanted to get to grandpa's house early enough to eat dinner with him, spend time with him, and still get home in time to participate in the Cookie Walk. This meant that from 2 PM - 5 PM I had to make the cookies, make dinner and get to grandpa's house.

Because I was so exhausted, my mental capacities were not as strong as they should have been and I ended up eating way too many cookies while I was making them. Oh, they were sooooo good, but I am regretting it today.

I have learned that this weight loss thing is definitely way more mental than anything else. The 1st 8 week challenge I was so strict and rigid in how I ate. The 2nd 8 week challenge I was way to lax. It is important that I find the happy medium. I need to realize that I am living my life. If I take my boys for ice cream, I should be able to eat it with them. If we bbq, I should be able to join them. However, I need to be more aware of what I am eating and how. Balance...that is the key. It is mental. I fell yesterday, but that doesn't mean that my journey is over. I am still on my journey. I am still on my way to being a more healthy me.

Here are pictures!
Week 8 Front
Week 17 Front
I can't tell a huge difference in these pictures, but there is a slight difference.
Week 8 Back
Week 17 Back
I can tell more of a difference in my back pictures. I got some curve!

Week 8 Side
Week 17 side
I can see a difference here in the side pictures!

Week 4 side
Wanna see a difference? Check out week 4 and week 17. Booyah!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Week 16

I had a win this week. I picked my boys up from daycare, came home, grabbed their kites and went to the park. I was able to run around and play with them and I did not get tired or winded! We had some minor success in getting the kites up in the air. I wasn't windy enough and the wind we did have was not consistent. We did end up with a broken kite thought as the wooden dowel in one got snapped by a child who ran with the kite and didn't let go. :) I love that I am already meeting one of my motivators of being able to really play with my boys!

I can definitely say that I am past my plateau as I had more changes this week. I am excited to be able to see the differences. Another win? I went to the store to try to find some new pants as my pants are quite balloony. Well, I found a new pair of pants and they are size 18! My sister is doing the same eating plan as I am and has always worn a smaller size in pants than I do. She has told me for weeks that she would bring over some of her jeans for me to use as she grew out of them. Well, she brought me some size 20 jeans this week also. Yea, they are way to big! They don't look as baggy in the bum area, but they don't stay up on my waist at all. I was excited! This means that I am probably the same size as her, which I cannot remember when that ever happened. It made me happy. :)

Weight: 226
Chest: 42 1/2"
Waist: 42"
Hips: 49 1/2"
Thigh: 25 1/2"
Calf: 17 1/2"
Bicep: 15"
Forearm: 11"

Total Weight lost this week: 3 pounds
Total inches lost this week: 2 1/2"
Total weight lost total: 39 pounds
Total inches lost total: 22 1/2"

In 6 more pounds, I will be the lowest weight my husband has ever seen me. I cannot wait for that to happen. :) I am actually excited for it and even more excited for him to see me at a more healthy, even lower weight!

Week 15

I made it over the plateau! I only went down 1 pound but I went down 2"! I was excited! I had rededicated myself to try to be VERY good on my plan. I worked hard at the gym and was really good at eating on my plan. It was a success! I hadn't been bad before, but I rededicated myself and reminded myself of my motivators, which are:

1 - I want to be able to play with my 2 little boys. I want to be able to run with them, keep up with them.
2 - Because I was older when I had them, I will be in my late 40s when they graduate. I want to to be here as they get married and have children of their own. I want to be able to be healthy enough that I can play with my grandchildren. This is funny saying this as my boys are currently 4 and 1, but this is something that I think about.
3 - I have always been the "fat" sister. Looking back, I was so NOT fat when I was younger, but because I was taller and bigger than my sisters, I felt like the fat one. When I was working out at the gym with a trainer, one of my sisters told me, "If you ever get skinnier than me, I will kill myself." Since then, I have had the desire to be the skinny sister for once. Not so that my sister would "kill" herself, but so I can be "so there!"
4 - This is a vain motivator, but it is there. All the cute clothes are too small for me. I want to be able to buy cute clothes. I want to be able to shop in the "normal" section of a clothing store.

Weight: 229
(By the way, the total weight lost is 36 pounds!)

Chest: 42 1/2"
Waist: 42 1/2" (down 1/2")
Hips: 50 1/2" (down 1/2")
Thigh: 26" (down 1/2")
Calf: 17 1/2"
Bicep: 15"
Forearm: 11 1/2" (down 1/2")

I love seeing progress! Yea, no pictures yet. I need to get my act together, but I am not promising anything until the beginning of May. :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Week 12, 13, and 14

I have been horrible at keeping up my progress reports online. There is no excuse that can answer to that, I just got busy and it got shoved to the bottom of my priority list. In week 12 a stomach bug went through my family. It was a miserable week and one day, I lost 4 pounds. Of course it was all water weight and when I started eating and drinking normally again, I was right back where I should be. Week 13 just went by super fast and before I knew it, it was time to be updating with week 14 numbers as well. Well, with no further ado, here are the numbers.

Week 12
Weight 230 pounds
Chest 42 1/2"
Waist 43"
Hips 51"
Thigh 26 1/2"
Calf 17 1/2"
Bicep 15" (down 1/2")
Forearm 11 1/2"

Week 13
Weight 230 pounds
Chest 42 1/2"
Waist 43"
Hips 51"
Thigh 26 1/2"
Calf 17 1/2"
Bicep 15"
Forearm 11 1/2"

Week 14
Weight 230 pounds
Chest 42 1/2"
Waist 43"
Hips 51"
Thigh 26 1/2"
Calf 17 1/2"
Bicep 15"
Forearm 11 1/2"

So it is obvious that I have hit a slight plateau. I am trying really hard to not let this discourage me. I have tried adding a few more calories into what I am eating on a daily basis and have tried adding an extra indulgence meal each week so that my body isn't getting too few calories. I have also rededicated myself to what I want to accomplish. It helped today when I looked back at what I have done so far this year. After week 14 I had lost a total of 35 pounds and 18"! This is a HUGE deal and if I haven't really seen any changes for 3 weeks, I need to be ok with that and just change up how I am doing things. I need to realize that I am still averaging 2.5 pounds lost per week, which fits in with my goal of losing 100 pounds in a year. I am still seeing progress. I still have energy. I can run and play with my boys. Best of all? I can do the million squats that weeding and gardening requires. {grin}

I was supposed to have pictures to include with week 13, but I have not yet taken them. I need to get up on that! Coach Kristy says that even if you are not seeing any changes in measurements and on the scale, you should still take a picture every week because that is where you will see the changes. Let me get on that! 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Week 11

So, it has been almost a complete week since I did my weigh in and measurements and I am just barely getting around to putting them up. I think that before my weight loss journey began, I avoided looking into the mirror. I never saw myself as "fat" because I rarely would look at my whole self in the mirror or when I did, I just was looking to check that my clothes looked good and flattering. Well, for week 11 of my journey, I started looking in the mirror more and being very critical. My thighs are this my stomach is that. Let me tell you this, it is very demotivating to do this. It wasn't until the last Friday night when my husband grabbed me in a hug and said, "You are slowly disappearing." that I realized I needed to stop. My husband was talking about the weight I am losing, but I think that mentally, I was slowly disappearing also. My will was being beaten upon with my constant critical appraisal and I was really struggling.

Highlight, I was able to get on the trampoline with my son and nieces and I played for 20-30 minutes with them! I can tell you, 3 months ago, I would have been exhausted after 3 minutes. I don't think I realized what a workout it is to jump on the trampoline!

We went to visit my sister in Logan last week and I used the lunch as an indulgence. Even though it was being an indulgence, I still tried to eat right. I ordered a bbq chicken breast with a sweet baked potato (butter on the side) and steamed veggies when we went to Texas Roadhouse. They brought me my meal and the chicken breast was twice a service size so I immediately cut that in half. The butter was not on the side like it was supposed to be and I got off as much as I could, but ended up only eating a third of the sweet potato. It was also too big. The veggies were good, but I dumped a quarter cup of butter off them. Note to self, make sure to tell the server No butter on veggies! Overall, I really feel like I did not too bad. Could have been better, but not too bad.

Weight and Measurements on March 23, 2014

Weight 233
Chest 42 1/2"
Waist 43"
Hips 51"
Thigh 26 1/2"
Calf 17 1/2"
Bicep 15 1/2"
Forearm 11 1/2"

Total lost 17 1/2" (Hip Hip Hooray!)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 10

This week, I felt recommitted after my struggle the week before. I worked really hard at the gym and continued taking the stairs at work. I hit the 4 week mark of taking the stairs, so it has been a month since I have been on an elevator! Remember, I work on the 5th floor.

Daylight Savings Time hit really hard. It is harder to keep track of the time, making sure my boys are getting dinner and getting to bed and pushing back the time I am able to go to the gym. My goal is still to get there by 8:30, which so far has been doable. I worry about how it will be later in the summer when it is light until after 9 PM! I do not want to miss out on the bedtime routine.

Weight 235 I hit another milestone! 30 pounds! Booyay!

Chest 42 1/2"
Waist 43"
Hips 51 1/2"
Thigh 26 1/2"
Calf 17 1/2"
Bicep 15 1/2"
Forearm 11 1/2"

Overall, I have lost 17" since I started my journey on January 6th. I cannot tell you how GREAT this feels! I went dress shopping to buy a dress to wear to my brother's wedding. The last time I bought clothes in October and it was a size 24 skirt and 3xl shirt. Well, there was a super cute dress, but it was in a size 18. My sister tried to convince me to try it on, and even if it were small, I would surely fit into it by mid-June. Well, I reluctantly tried it on not thinking it would fit and it zipped right up! In fact, it was loose in some areas! Wahoo! I got the dress and now am worried it will be way too big for me by the time the wedding rolls around. I guess I will have to try it on again with enough time to go to a seamstress if needed.

Indulgence #1 - Creamy potato soup and rolls at my friends little boy's birthday. Yea, I ate 3 rolls. They were that good!

Indulgence #2 - Pizza with my little familia. We seem to have started a tradition that Friday night is our night to relax and eat pizza. We rented Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs2 which my little boy loved! When we took it back he hugged it the whole time saying, "I am really gonna miss this movie."

Until next week!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Week 9

This has been a little bit of a hard week for me. The 8 week challenge that I participated in ended last week and the new one doesn't start until this week. I had a week between and got to make my own menu plan. This was exciting to me and I felt that I was very successful in this. However, I then got discouraged when the winners of the challenge were announced.

I felt that I worked hard. I stuck to the plan, even on most of my indulgence meals, I found myself looking at what I was eating or ordering. I knew if I was eating close to plan or not. The woman who won the challenge as having the biggest transformation lost 12 pounds. Because the challenge didn't take measurements, the winner was chosen looking at the before and after pictures. I was very disappointed because I had lost 26 pounds on this challenge and if she could have seen the measurements, she would have seen that I lost an overall 15 1/2 inches. She also chose somebody who had a fairly normal body weight to begin with, which made me wonder if I had even been considered as being in the running.

My husband didn't understand my disappointment. He told me, "Why are you discouraged? Why don't you just go step on the scale and look in the mirror?" A wise friend told me to not look at the extrinsic motivation. She said, "the woman who won may have needed to have that extrinsic motivation more than you." How true. When I started the challenge, I told my sister that I wasn't doing it for the prizes, I was doing it for my health and my boys. Hello, see the motivations that I listed in my first blog post!

My motivators for losing weight:
1 - I want to be able to play with my 2 little boys. I want to be able to run with them, keep up with them.
2 - Because I was older when I had them, I will be in my late 40s when they graduate. I want to be here as they get married and have children of their own. I want to be able to be healthy enough that I can play with my grandchildren. This is funny saying this as my boys are currently 4 and 1, but this is something that I think about.
3 - I have always been the "fat" sister. Looking back, I was so NOT fat when I was younger, but because I was taller and bigger than my sisters, I felt like the fat one. When I was working out at the gym with a trainer, one of my sisters told me, "If you ever get skinnier than me, I will kill myself." Since then, I have had the desire to be the skinny sister for once. Not so that my sister would "kill" herself, but so I can be "so there!"
4 - This is a vain motivator, but it is there. All the cute clothes are too small for me. I want to be able to buy cute clothes. I want to be able to shop in the "normal" section of a clothing store.

In the beginning of February I joined a group at my work that is working to lose weight. As part of that, I weighed in, and took my body fat and BMI. Here is the difference during the month of February and March. I have to remember that I am seeing results. I am doing it for me. I cannot let the lack of extrinsic motivators discourage me.
My BMI went down 2.2!
My Body Fat % went down 1.9!

Booyeah! I need to remember this!

Weight: 238 (down 1 pound, but a pound is a pound!)

Chest: 43"
Waist: 43"
Hips: 52"
Thigh: 26 1/2"
Calf: 17 1/2"
Bicep: 15 1/2"
Forearm: 11 1/2"
I didn't have a ton of changes this week. I think it was because my body was just so exhausted and my workouts were not as intense as they have been. I need to remember to not push myself so hard and to allow my body time to rest and recover. This weight took years to get this high and it will not come off in 1 month.

Monday, March 3, 2014

8 Weeks

This has been a crazy week. I decided that since this was the last week of my 8 week challenge, I was going to push it really hard and be really good. I did succeed in that. I pushed it hard at the gym Monday - Wednesday, but then on Thursday, I had to take it slightly easier. My body was just done. I still got a good burn and did a good workout, just not as intense as earlier in the week. Food wise, I feel like a did really good. I caved slightly on Saturday when my husband brought home a dozen donuts. Not just any donuts, Krispy Cream donuts. I ate 3 over the course of the day. I have to admit, this is way better than I would have done previously, but not as good as I wanted to.
Indulgence #1 - Pizza with my family Friday night. I still stayed to just 2 pieces and actually felt really full after I ate. This is not normal for me after 2 pieces! My body is changing and adapting.
Indulgence #2 - Gotta count the donuts that I ate on Saturday. Mmmmm...but they were good.
weight: 239 This is down 4 pounds since last week and an overall 26 pounds!
Chest: 43" (down 1")
Waist: 43" (down 1")
Hips: 52 1/2" (down 1/2")
Thigh: 26 1/2" (down 1/2")
Calf: 17 1/2"
Bicep: 15 1/2" (down 1/2")
Forearm: 11 1/2"
Picture Time! I love seeing the pictures because you can tell a huge difference! They are motivating and I think anyone trying to lose weight or get in shape should do before and after pictures. I have seen so much improvement, but I have to admit, I am just at the beginning of my journey. I still have a long way to go.
Left: Week 1 Before Right: Week 8 After
Left: Week 4 Before Right: Week 8 After

Left: Week 1 Before Right: Week 8 After
Left Week 4 Before and Right Week 8 After

Left: Week 4 Before Right: Week 8 After

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 7

This week, I haven't seen as many changes. I really think part of the problem is that I fond myself only allowing about 6 hours of sleep a night. This is not good and I have been so exhausted! I need to plan better so that I get more sleep. Hmmm....what a novel idea! Anyway, Monday was amazing. It was President's Day and I had enough energy to do something physical with my boys. We pulled out my rickety old bike, hooked up the trailer and then rode up to the elementary school. Normally, I am wiped out by the time we get there, but I actually ran around and played on the equipment with my boys at the playground. It was so much fun and these are the types of memories I want to be able to create with my boys. Rather than mom being too tired to play and sitting on a bench, getting out there and running around with them, going down slides and chasing them.

Weight: 243 (I am excited to see this still going down, even though I sleep deprived myself.)

Waist: 44"
Hips: 53"
Thigh: 27"
Calf: 17 1/2"
Bicep: 16" (this was really between 15 1/2 and 16, but it was closer to 16 so that is what I am logging)
Forearm: 11 1/2"

Indulgence #1: My team when to Olive Garden this week. I ordered the all you can eat Soup, Salad, and breadsticks. I overdid it on something because my stomach rebelled the rest of the day. I ate 2 plates of salad, one bowl of the Gnocci soup, and 4 breadsticks. There was obviously something in there that my body is no longer used to getting and it made me sick.

Indulgence #2: Pizza with the family on Friday. I am amazed that I can hold myself to 2 pieces now and not crave to eat more. There was a time that I could easily eat 4 pieces!

Pictures next week!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Week 6

This has been my biggest week ever! I feel very accomplished even though I felt like I had a few more indulgence meals than normal. Friday was Valentine's Day and my work always gives us a heart sugar cookie. I look forward to this every year and normally eat mine, and then get at least another one from somebody who doesn't want to eat theirs. I would normally have eaten both before I left work. This year, I got mine and I debated on what to do with it. It sat on my desk and then after a couple of hours, I ate it. Guess what? While it was good, it was too rich for me! I guess after you haven't eaten sugar for 6 1/2 weeks, that does something to your sweet tooth.

On Thursday, my manager took my team out to breakfast. I was super worried because I knew I had eaten an indulgence meal Tuesday night and I knew I was saving one for Saturday night because we were taking dinner to grandpa. I looked at the menu and I consciously made health decisions. Guess what? I was satisfied. I didn't crave what everyone else was eating and thought my breakfast of egg whites, cottage cheese, sliced tomato, and a crepe were really good! My co-workers gave it some odd looks and thought I was odd. I think the sliced tomato threw them.

I also made a goal on Thursday to not use the elevator. I made the goal after we got back from breakfast and then I walked the stairs the rest of the day. I should note that I work on the 5th floor. On Friday when I got to work, I had to mentally make myself take the stairs because it is easy to justify the elevator first thing in the morning. But I stayed strong and took the stairs! It might have backfired on me just a little when I had to walk down 2 flights of stairs, walk across the causeway into another building, and climb 5 flights of stairs to the 8th floor and then reverse it to get back to my desk. But I did it! I didn't take the elevator once on Friday and I didn't stay at my desk either! It really can't count as a goal if I stay on the 5th floor all day long and the only time I would use the elevator was coming and going from work. :)

Indulgence Meal 1: Papa John's pizza. I stayed strong and only ate 2 pieces. Trust me, I love pizza and this was a huge deal to keep it to 2 slices! I almost didn't order the pizza because my 22 month old has to be dairy free for the next 6 weeks, but my 4 year old really begged. I ended up having to take all the toppings off and peeling the pepperoni off to put back on the pizza for my little guy, but he didn't complain and didn't miss the cheese.

Indulgence Meal 2: Beef stew. I don't know how much of an indulgence this was since it had lean beef (protein,) carrots (veggies,) and potato (carbs,) but I counted it as an indulgence meal. I also really watched my serving size to make sure I didn't over eat. I have found that staying on plan, even when eating out is getting easier to do. I also have fond that the amount of food my stomach can handle has decreased as I have grown used to eating 6 smaller meals throughout the day.

Weight - 245 - I have hit the 20 pound mark!

Chest: 44" (down 1/2") (overall 1 1/2")
Waist: 44" (down 1") (overall 3")
Hips: 53" (down 1") (overall 3 1/2")
Thigh: 27" (down 1/2") (overall 1")
Calf: 17 1/2" (down 1/2") (overall 1 1/2")
Bicep: 16" (down 1/2") (overall 1")
forearm" 11 1/2" (overall 1/2")

Total inches down from the start? 12. That is 12" that I have lost! Can we get a booyeah? BOOYEAH!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 5

This was a little bit of a more difficult week. I ended up going to the gym by myself a lot and then Saturday, I just ran out of time. I tried to get to the gym to get at least a quick cardio before they closed, but just didn't get there with enough time to really do anything. I also found myself snacking more. Arg! This is something that I have been trying to avoid. My good friend's daughter was in the hospital and she had asked me to make cookies for her other children, who were feeling neglected. So I did, without question. Cookies are another of my downfalls. I kinda feel bad for my boys because they may not get as many yummy treats as before because I am trying to be more healthy. But  in turn, that means they will grow up more healthy, right? Anyway, because I made cookies, I had them in my house. I took them to work to give out, I gave them to my friend's kids, but I still had some at home. Over the course of 2 days, I ate 2. This is not bad, per say, it just doesn't fit into my current goals. I must say though that if this had taken place 2 months ago, I would have eaten 2-3 fresh out of the oven and then snacked on them until they were gone. I probably wouldn't have brought any to work to share either. So, I can't look at it as a fail, I have to look at it as a positive. Baby steps. That is where I am. I am better today than I was yesterday and will strive to be better tomorrow than I am today.

My baby, and by baby I mean my 20 month old, also had surgery this week, which kind of threw me for a loop. I tried really hard to stick to my target goals that day and feel that overall, I did really well. We were also advised by the doctor to make his diet dairy free for the next 6 weeks. Can I tell you that dairy is in EVERYTHING? It is a most difficult change to implement, but it isn't too far off of how I have been eating. I still made pancakes Saturday morning for my boys, I just used almond milk instead of cows milk. Trying to figure out how we are both eating has been fun.

So last week, I posted that I weighed in at 248 lbs, and then Sunday morning when I stepped on the scale, I weighed the same. I thought, "ok, I didn't lose any weight this week again," but then when I went to write it in my book, I had written that I weighed 250 lbs last week. Huh. I guess I was just so excited to be under 250 that I just fixated on 248 and that is what I put. I "corrected" this on last week's post.

Weight and measurements taken February 9, 2014, at the end of week 5.

Weight: 248

Chest: 44 1/2"
Waist: 45"
Hips: 54"
Thigh: 27 1/2" (I finally went down in the thigh!!!)
Calf: 18"
Bicep: 16 1/2"
Forearm: 11 1/2"

I still saw progress after feeling like I didn't do a stellar job last week, so I am still happy. Best news though? My baby brother got engaged this week! I am excited for him and am trying to figure out what I want my goal to be for his wedding in June.

Indulgence: Café Rio Grilled Steak salad. I substituted whole wheat for the regular tortilla. It was delicious!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week 4

This has been a really good week. I feel that things are getting easier at the gym. My workout buddy was sick on Monday and Tuesday so we switched Monday to a rest day and then I went by myself on Tuesday. I have learned (or relearned) enough at the gym that I was able to give myself a very good workout on my own. My legs felt sore! Oh yeah!

At work, one of my co-workers brought in donuts to thank us for helping out on a project. 2 dozen Provo Bakery donuts. Donuts, the only thing that I craved my whole second pregnancy. My downfall! They sat near my desk and I could smell them! Ah, they smelled so good. They looked so good! But, I made the decision that I was going to do this journey and I knew that today (Sunday) was going to be my indulgence meal because of the Super Bowl, and I stayed strong. I left work that day without taking one of those donuts. I really didn't believe that I could do it, but I did!

Indulgence Meal 1: It hasn't happened yet as I am planning on using the Super Bowl party as my indulgence. That being said, I really don't want to go overboard and am going to try to stay relatively healthy with my choices. I also don't want to feel sick after eating a lot of foods I haven't eaten for a month now.

I decided to do my weigh in and measurements on the same day. I weighed in last Sunday and hadn't lost any weight and did my measurements on Wednesday, just like normal. I did go down some in the measurements, but I decided when I weighed in this morning that I should just measure today too. I will report today's numbers.

Weight: 248 250

Chest: 44 1/2
Waist: 46 (down 1/2")
Hips: 54 (down 1")
Thigh: 28
Calf: 18
Bicep: 16 1/2
Forearm: 11 1/2 (down 1/2"

I also did pictures to compare. I can totally see the difference in my face. It is huge! Also, my shirt fits down around my hips without riding up. My husband also told me to look below the 5K on the shirt because you could see a huge difference there. I didn't take a side view picture of week 1 (how I wish I had!) so we will start the comparison with Week 4.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Week 3

January 19th Weight: 255
January 22nd Measurments
     Chest 44 1/2" (down 1/2")
     Waist 46 1/2" (down 1/2")
     Hips 55" (down 1:)
     Thigh 28"
     Calf 18" (down 1/2")
     forearm 12"

This week has been a challenge for me. My mind keeps telling me that I should be seeing the results of what I am doing more quickly. I know that this is silly. I am seeing results. I am down 10 pounds and inches! But then I look in the mirror and think I should see more. I know this is silly. I took years and years for my body to get so out of shape and it will take longer than 3 weeks for it to look in the mirror and really start seeing the results I want to see. I also know that because the change will be so gradual, the only way that I will really be able to see this change is to take pictures along the way.

On the other hand, I worry about the fact that I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. All the experts say that for you to maintain a weight loss, you should not lose more than 2-3 pounds per week, and in a 2 week period, I lost 10. I know that this is probably because it is the first couple weeks of my program and my body is like, "Whoa, this girl is finally doing something, alert, alert!" I also know that as my body adjusts, and I start putting on more muscle, the weight loss will slow down.

I tell myself that the number on the scale is not important. What is important is the measurements and they way my clothes fit. The most important thing though is the way I feel. I want to feel great! I want to be able to run around the yard and play tag with my boys and not get winded or be exhausted after 2 minutes. I want to be able to see a race for a cause (such as the American Fork 1/2 Marathon and 5K to support Cancer Research. For more information click here.)

Highlight - Going to the gym twice by myself! Last Saturday night, my gym buddy was sick so I went by myself. I only did cardio but dang! I worked it! Last night, some alternate plans came up and I was looking at going by myself again. There were other things I decided I wanted to do, and I almost didn't go, but I decided that I needed to be true to myself and my goals and I went. I put it off long enough that I only had about 45 minutes before the gym closed so I did some ab work and then cardio. Hurray!

Indulgent Meal #1: Saturday evening - gave in and let the family go to McDonalds. Worst experience ever! The food didn't even taste good anymore and I ended up throwing more than 1/2 of my medium fry away. Also you should have seen the size of the water they gave me, only 4 oz! And there was no water on the drink station, to get a refill I had to go to the counter and ask for it. I was seriously ready to ask them for 10 refills in a row so I could get my 2 glasses of water in before I ate the indulgence.

Indulgent Meal#2: Last night we ordered pizza. I did pretty good with my portion sizes, but it did not sit very well in my tummy later when I was doing cardio on the treadmill. I kept getting stomach aches.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week 2

I didn't step on a scale. Instead, I spent the time paying attention to my energy levels as instructed by Body Buddies. I felt like I was eating a TON! The difference is that it was all healthy. My trainer, years ago, once told me that fat people ate way less than a healthy skinny person. I scoffed, but I am starting to realize how true that is. The difference is what people eat. At my unhealthiest, I wasn't eating a lot, per se, but the calorie count of what I was eating was astronomical.

I did take measurements and will use these as more of a guideline than the number on the scale. Measurements taken January 15th:

Chest: 45" (down 1/2")
Waist: 47"
Thigh: 28"
Calf: 18 1/2" (down 1/2")
Bicep: 16 1/2" (down 1/2")
Forearm: 12" (down 1/2")

Indulgence Meal #1: Sunday, Potato Bar at my sister's house. We drove up Sunday morning to see my nephew ordained to the priesthood. I even did good and ate my mid-morning meal in the car on the way up. It is all about planning!

Indulgence Meal #2: Saturday morning, pancakes with my boys. I tried to make these healthier and used honey instead of sugar and made them with 1/2 white and 1/3 wheat flour.

Highlights: I gave away the regular pancake syrup in my house. In an effort to make healthier choices, I am trying to cut out extremely unhealthy items from our home. Since the pancake syrup is made from high fructose corn syrup it had to go. As a replacement, we have found Kodiak syrup. It is based here in Utah and it is good! They make their syrup and it seriously has only about 6 ingredients. Such a healthier choice.

Week 1

The first week of my journey started on January 5th. I had been very careful and had lost some weight since my doctors visit. I will post pictures once a month. This way I will not get caught up in taking constant pictures.

Weight: 265 lbs
Measurments taken January 8th:

Chest: 45 1/2"
Waist: 47"
Hips: 56 1/2"
Thigh: 28"
Calf: 19"
Biceps: 17"
Forearm: 12"

The challenge really started on Monday, January 6th, but I started a day early on Sunday, January 5th.

We were instructed to not stop on the scale for 2 weeks. On Tuesday, January 7th, I started to go to the gym with my friend. She knows how to lift and helps me know what to do since it has been years since I have gone to the gym.

Highlights, Going to the gym 5 days last week! Feeling the burn and gaining confidence.


Hi, my name is Becky. I am a wife, a mother, sister, daughter, aunt, employee. Between my obligations and duties, I have a hard time taking time for myself. I am creating this blog as a motivator to help me on my journey to health.

My motivators for losing weight:
1 - I want to be able to play with my 2 little boys. I want to be able to run with them, keep up with them.
2 - Because I was older when I had them, I will be in my late 40s when they graduate. I want to to be here as they get married and have children of their own. I want to be able to be healthy enough that I can play with my grandchildren. This is funny saying this as my boys are currently 4 and 1, but this is something that I think about.
3 - I have always been the "fat" sister. Looking back, I was so NOT fat when I was younger, but because I was taller and bigger than my sisters, I felt like the fat one. When I was working out at the gym with a trainer, one of my sisters told me, "If you ever get skinnier than me, I will kill myself." Since then, I have had the desire to be the skinny sister for once. Not so that my sister would "kill" herself, but so I can be "so there!"
4 - This is a vain motivator, but it is there. All the cute clothes are too small for me. I want to be able to buy cute clothes. I want to be able to shop in the "normal" section of a clothing store.

There are many reasons that I have gotten to where I am. Most of them have been busyness and laziness. My first weight jump was after high school. I got a job at a fast food joint, moved into my first apartment, and became depressed. I found myself eating every single meal at this fast food joint. Heck, I got 50% off when I was working so if I planned it right, I could eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner for pretty cheap. Then, I would find myself going in the middle of the night to the 24 hour drive thru and ordering 2-3 hamburgers, all of which I ate consecutively. This is a lot of food! I found myself jumping from 140 lbs to 180 lbs very quickly.

I served a mission for my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I served in Micronesia. I am pretty sure I lost weight on my mission. We walked a TON! However, since I didn't have access to a scale, I am not completely sure. I came home and then quickly fell back into my old eating patters. Before I new it I weighed 220 lbs. How could this be? Arg!

I started an exercise program working out to Tai Bo. Who has ever done this before? I lost 10 lbs, to which I was ecstatic, but was sidelined when I had to have my gallbladder removed. I lost my stride and didn't get it back. Between work and school (at this point, I was working full time and going to school 1/2 time,) it was very difficult to make time to work out. My weight kept climbing.

In 2006, I decided to change my habits. I joined the gym and signed up for a trainer. I quickly lost 10 lbs, dropping to 240 lbs, but then maintained my weight as I continued to fat but gain muscles. While I was working out, I didn't really change my eating habits. I felt that I ate pretty healthy, but in hind site, I was not healthy at all! In 2007 I met my husband and found myself wanting to hang out with him in my free time instead of going to the gym. I had gotten down to 230 lbs by the time I married him. I then found myself still working, going to school full time now, and being a wife. I let the gym go. I just didn't feel like I had the time. I tried to walk and got down to 220 lbs, but when winter came, I stopped and soon I was back up to 250 lbs. See my yo-yo weight? A lot of this had to do with the way I was eating. I never changed it.

When I got pregnant with my oldest in 2009, I weighed 250 lbs. It was incredibly difficult to maintain activity during this pregnancy. While I never got sick, when I was 6 weeks along, we thought I miscarried. My placenta had started to separate from my uterus. As a result, I spent the first 12 weeks on chair rest as I tried to save my baby. I did really good an by the time I was 7 months pregnant, I had only gained 7 lbs. However, by the time I gave birth at 41 weeks, I had gained a total of 22 lbs. I weighed in at 272 lbs. Those last 2 months were hard every time I went to the doctor! After birth, I quickly lost weight, but then I craves SUGAR! I couldn't leave it alone. I returned to work and everyday I went to pump, I had to stop by the cafeteria and buy a cookie. Yeah, not the best choice.

I was able to mostly maintain my weight and when I got pregnant in 2011 with #2, I weighed in at 255 lbs. Just a slight weight gain from my first pregnancy. By the time I delivered in April 2012, I weighed in at 275 lbs, my heaviest weight ever. I tried to ignore this and focus on the fact that I was growing a baby. I was able to stay at 250 lbs after the birth of my baby, but wanted in the last year, I gained more weight.

There were a couple of things that have helped flip the switch in my brain to really make my journey to health a serious thing.

1 - I don't consider myself as fat. I would even watch The Biggest Loser and see people at the beginning. I would think, "Wow, they really need this," then they would get on the scale and weight the same as me. Yet I still couldn't think of myself as fat. I know, this is a complete denial. My eyes can lie to me when I look into the mirror. However, pictures do not lie. I think it was in November that I attended a baby shower. I got there late and the only seat was next to the expectant mother. As she opened her gifts, I was in Every. Single. Picture. These pictures were posted on FaceBook and I was tagged. I looked at them and thought, "Oh my gosh, is that how I really look?" It was most definitely an eye-opener.

2 - Off and on last year, my right shoulder started to really hurt. When my baby started walking, it went away. I figured it was because I had to carry my 30 lb baby all around. Then, in December, it started to hurt again, and worse than before. Right after Christmas, I went to the doctor and found out I had "Frozen Shoulder Syndrome." That wasn't the key though. The key was when they had me stand on the scale and weigh myself as they took my vitals. It said, 272 lbs. The only time I have weighed more than that was when I was 9 months pregnant with my 2nd! Eye-opener #2.

I knew I had to do something. I have been following Body Buddies on Facebook since about April last year. She advocates a healthy eating program called The Power Foods Lifestyle. I had tried to plan my own meals but quickly became overwhelmed with it. She posted that she was offering a challenge for 8 weeks where she would provide the meal plans and grocery lists. Of course I jumped on it. While this only lasts for 8 weeks, I plan on making this a lifestyle change. These 8 weeks will help me set up the foundation for the rest of my journey.